Saturday, January 12, 2008

Learning 2.0 Thing 22 Flickr mashups & 3rd party sites

Now this is really neat! I haven't yet but I am going to try creating some of the things associated with Flickr such as a mosaic...mappr and montagr. I work in the library at the beach (OF) and we get many many exchange student workers during the summer months using the internet. We have a couple of huge maps of the world and they are asked (if they choose) to place a marker on the area where they are from. I think it would be so cool using Flickr "mappr" to put their pic on the area where they are from so perhaps their friends and family can see what we have done in honor of them being at the beach. I guess we would have to have our digital camera ready to take their pics along with a release form for them to sign and then upload it to Flickr. Anyway, it was just an idea that might be fun for all.

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