Friday, January 18, 2008

Library Learning 2.0 Thing 30

Overall, this was a wonderful way to train many people at one time over a period of 12 weeks. (Actually a short time for this training). I think the incentive offered at the end (MP3 Player) was a great motivator for many of us. I believe many people who initially did this for the incentive did not expect to learn so much or realize how many useful resources this training was going to cover. I do think for upcoming trainings such as this ....that maybe to incorporate each activity into 1 blog per week instead of blogging after each activity. Initially, I did not realize how the blogging was set up. (I must admit, I was a little confused until I realized how it was set up). I had to go back and blog the activities I had missed which threw my numbering off on my blogger. Another thing I would like to suggest is to have a few demo trainings throughout after Thing 8. (Just a little reinforcement which many of us can grasp with the visual aid from the instructor). For example...have it in place of an LCDT or something to that effect. Perhaps you could have it in the auditorium at CL with a power point demo. Here, at my llibrary we were all very fortunate because our building Manager and our Supervisor were very supportive in helping all they could with answering questions and allocating a reserved spot in the computer lab for us to work on this project. Over was fun, enjoyable, enlightening and the time went by quite quickly. It left me feeling more confident and more "caught up" with technology.

Library Learning 2.0 Thing 29

This has been a great opportunity for me and all of us for that matter to have the chance to step out of our boxes and learn about some new programs to help make our lives easier in organizing our stuff accessing info., etc. and that are free to use. Many of these programs I will probably never use and some of them I already have been using quite often. At least now I have a sense of familiarity with them when the customers and staff talk about them. I do believe you have to continuously use a program on a regular basis to really understand all of the many things they have to offer. My favorite programs are MYSpace, Youtube, Ebay and Amazon which I already use pretty much regularly. The new programs which I enjoyed learning a little about were Delicious, IM, RSS Feeds, and The Library Thing.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Learning 2.0 Thing 28 Rollyo

This is an interesting site. It's actually a great way to organize sites that you may use often. Another type of bookmarking (if you will). After registering...log in and name your list...then, make a list of favorite sites. All you do is login and choose weather you want to go to your list of sites or sites on the web. You click on your site link and the site comes up and up to date. By clicking on Dashboard...there is a selection of "starter sites" that you can choose from as well. Check it out!

Library 2.0 Thing 27 The Library Thing

The site is awesome! What a great way to keep track of all the books you read. It's very easy to manipulate your way around the site as well. After you log on link "Add books"....type in title or author and a selection of different published copies appear. Select the one you have read and it is added to your list. You can add tags (kind of like a reminder) to the book. There is also a list of "maybe" or "maybe not" related titles that other people have read that also have your title. You can select Fiction or Non Fiction. I really enjoyed this site. Also, this is wonderful to be able to access at work to give customers ideas of a particular title that I have read to recommend that relates to their request.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Learning 2.0 Thing 26 Image Generators

Myspace Layouts, Graphics, Backgrounds, Comments, Cursors, Flash Toys and More

I got my Myspace Cursors from

This is a great tool! No need to download just type in "image generators" and click on link and choose what you are looking for and copy and paste it in for example your MYspace page.

Learning 2.0 Thing 25

OK...I now have a little better understanding of how podcasting works. :-) I think this is a great way to expose library related materials to others in the field or to customers via podcasting. For example: stories, music, articles, programs, etc. that spark an interest to individuals who want to hear them as opposed to reading to oneself online. Not only library related but for any other reason as well. Or..for people that want to send their own podcasts on the net. Only thing is some of these programs you have to sign up for in order to use them to be able to do this. I'm not sure if you have to pay or if its free of charge.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Learning 2.0 Thing 24 Podcasts

I went to a few Podcast sites and listened to a variety of music. Some of the sites had no samples to hear ...they wanted you to pay for the song. Whereas, Youtube will let you listen to anything you want along with a video for free. I prefer Youtube...maybe its because that is what I am most familiar with. I need to learn more about Podcasting.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Library Learning 2.0 ---Thing 9 Shared Feeds

Being able to share ideas and articles with one another is a great way to learn and explore. I'm not sure if I have added my reader to this correctly or not but I will soon find out as soon as I'm through with this blog. :-)

Library Learning 2.0--Thing 10 RSS Feeds

I have seen these feeds on sites and didn't really understand what they were until now. This is so cool that you can have a place to go and read about something of interest without having to search time and time again on the net which takes up time and can be tiresome. After recognizing and selecting these feeds to be added to a reader...for example Google Reader...they can automatically be added so that you can continue reading the news on a daily basis as well as adding friends to your reader site and seeing what they are enjoying. By sharing sites in this way we can stay informed as well as having a variety of things to read and learn about.

Library Learning 2.0 Thing 11 IM messaging

I really like this. This is a very convenient way for customers to find out info about a topic that you may otherwise have to come into the library to find. You just go to the library web site and type in your question. In a matter of minutes you can have an answer. It's that quick and the best part is that you don't have to leave your home! Now this is the way of the future. I believe eventually library employees may even be able to work from their homes when designated to be the IM person in their building for a block of time.

Learning Library 2.0 -- Thing 13 Wikis

Wikis are a great way to keep staff informed and a place to express your thoughts on a subject, to advertise programs, to collect a bit of history about your library or community you work in. To me it's kind of like a Bulletin Board online. It can include a wide range of information and a place for employees and customers alike to go for their info. I am all for wikis in the library workplace.

Library Learning 2.0 Thing 15 Social Networking

I know that social networking sites such as MYSpace and Facebook are used by just about every teen around. I have mixed emotions about these sites. I think it's a wonderful way to keep in touch with their friends and to make new friends with similar interests. It's also a great way for them to stay informed about things that go on in their community such as activities, etc. as well as news or changes in their day to day lives. However, the maturity level of a teen to be expressing themselves publicly could be a harmful thing because their are also not nice people using these programs as well waiting for an opportunity. They need to think about what any long term effects things they print may have in store for them. There needs to be a safety training of some sort for these kids prio to opening an account with one of these networking programs to make them care enough to be aware of who will see their thoughts on these sites now and in the future. I know if I were a teen I would not think twice or even care about who or what I wrote about because the maturity level to care would not be there. Therefore, we need to educate the kids prior to opening up a MYspace/networking account of all of the negative as well as the positive points. Maybe our education system should figure out how and when would be a good time to do train these kids.

Learning 2.0 Thing 23 Youtube

To me using Youtube was a lot of fun. I chose this video because I work with children and I felt this would be an appropriate video to use with a story time or another program with kids. For example: Disney movie, cartoons, Princes, Princesses, Fairy Tales, etc.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Learning 2.0 Thing 22 Flickr mashups & 3rd party sites

Now this is really neat! I haven't yet but I am going to try creating some of the things associated with Flickr such as a mosaic...mappr and montagr. I work in the library at the beach (OF) and we get many many exchange student workers during the summer months using the internet. We have a couple of huge maps of the world and they are asked (if they choose) to place a marker on the area where they are from. I think it would be so cool using Flickr "mappr" to put their pic on the area where they are from so perhaps their friends and family can see what we have done in honor of them being at the beach. I guess we would have to have our digital camera ready to take their pics along with a release form for them to sign and then upload it to Flickr. Anyway, it was just an idea that might be fun for all.

Learning 2.0 Thing 21 Tagging Flickr

Flickr is a great way to invite the public to view the on-goings in the library of past and present programs by showing them what various programs have to offer them and how much fun they will have as well as how much fun people had in the past programs. It is a wonderful way to advertise and to bring people wit similar interests together in a positive way. It is a great way to keep people informed and also to educate them by showing them. I can't imagine sorting through all of those photos without some sort of categorization which is why tagging is so important. This is a flickr site in which I borrowed from my supervisor Diane Wetterlin at OF Library.

Learning 2.0 Thing 20 Flickr

From what I have learned from reading about this program and other programs like is a wonderful way to share your photos which otherwise may never be seen. I also like being able to keep it private to just your circle of friends as well. What I don't like is there doesn't seem to be a way to monitor what photos people add to flickr. I understand that everyone has their own account and has the freedom the place whatever photos they want to....just as long as they keep those photos in a private mode so that young kids cannot have access to them. I know that some folks do not think about that prior to inviting the world in. I do see the importance of tagging for your photos it places the photos in the proper folders (like a filing system) for easier access in acquiring what you are looking for. That is a great feature!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Web 2.0 Week 8--Thing 17 Folksonomy/

This was interesting yet confusing for me too. I'm just trying to absorb the different terminologies and how different they are from each other. Technorati, folksonomy, taxonomy, etc. I understand that technorati tracks tags and that folksonomy tags can have many different meanings but can still be used at free will. Still reading and learning more....

Monday, January 7, 2008

Web 2.0 Week 8 -- Thing 18

I created a account. After learning how tags work and how they bring subjects together just by using keywords associated to the subject....I have found how easy it is to have a place to save favorites or to find other new similar sites that other people have tagged in their bookmarking space. Tagging is a wonderful way to bring it all together by association.

Week 8...Web 2.0 Thing 19

I have been reading many many articles including tagging, folksonomy, technorati and mapping. What a wide range of ways to expand your interest in something. I have created a "delicious" account having to do with an upcoming program within the library system where I work. I am on a team planning a program having to do with antique appraisals. By tagging numerous keywords having to do with that subject I have found some wonderful websites from others that have also tagged favorites in their "delicious" pages having to do with this same subject. This is Great!! As for mapping, this is a great way also to find others with similar interests the world over. By clicking on their name on the part of the world where they are can access their website and broaden your horizen even more. :-)